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Extract (read back) configuration data from a Zynq-7000 FPGA
Introduction This article will show you how to use Vivado to read back the bitstream programmed into a physical Zynq-7000 device. The...
Use ZC702 serial and JTAG in a VMWare Ubuntu 22.04.1 VM on VMware Workstation 16 Pro on Windows 10
This post shows how to use ZC702 serial and JTAG in a VMWare Ubuntu 22.04.1 VM on VMware Workstation 16 Pro running on Windows 10. It...
Run the Xilinx ZC702 Built-In Self-Test on Windows 10
This post shows how to run the Xilinx ZC702 Built-In Self-Test on Windows 10. It follows the original instructions included in the kit...
Zynq-7000 + AXI Slave CDMA controller on a ZC702
This post lists step-by-step instructions for creating an AXI slave Central Data Management Access (CDMA) controller, integrating the...
Zynq-7000 + AXI Slave with Interrupt Hello World on a ZC702
This post lists step-by-step instructions for creating an AXI slave with an interrupt using Vivado HLS, integrating the slave into a...
Zynq-7000 + AXI Slave Hello World
This post shows how to create a Xilinx Zynq-7000 + AXI slave in Vivado 2018.2 and read/write the AXI slave from the ARM9 of the Zynq-7000...
Set up the JTAG and Serial Port on the ZC702
This post shows you how to connect the JTAG and serial port of the ZC702, where to get the USB-to-serial port driver and how to configure...
Run Hello World on a ZC702
This post shows how run Hello World on a Xilinx ZC702. It covers: creating a design in Vivado, exporting the design to the SDK and...
Bare-Metal Application Boot from Flash on the Xilinx Zynq-7000 of the ZC702
This post lists how to create a complete bare-metal application that boots from the Micron Quad SPI and what happens during boot. The...
Lab 1 SDSoC Build and Load
This post is my run through of SDSoC Lab 1 Tutorial at [link]. Prerequisites Install SDSoC on Linux using a free 60-day trial and launch...
ZC702 BIST Switch and Jumper Setting
This post shows what each switch and jumper should be set to, to correctly run BIST on the ZC702. Default Switch Settings SW10 SW11 SW12...
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