This post lists steps to integrate SWUpdate into a PetaLinux Project.
The results have not been thoroughly tested.
1. Clone the SWUpdate meta layer into ext_source:
2. Download these patches to the meta-swupdate directory
3. Apply the patches:
4. Follow the instructions for adding a layer listed in link (but use meta-swupdate instead of the example) and add the following to project-spec/meta-user/conf/petalinucbsp.conf:
You should have approximately these diffs once you're done:
5. Type petalinux-build and test.
swupdate documentation is at https://sbabic.github.io/swupdate/
The Xilinx + Yocto graphic is an amalgamation of Xilinx and Yocto icons.
You'll get SWUpdate 2017.1 with this method. Take a look at this link to see how to figure this out.