Ultra96-V2 Initial Factory Setup

This post demonstrates how to flash a new SSD card with "PetaLinux 2020.1" factory distribution. Building this version will allow you to boot the Ultra 96-V2, login, enable SSH, and start the default GUI that comes with this build.
You may use Windows 10/11 or Linux Ubuntu as the tools are the same regardless of the operating system. Ubuntu LTS is suggested as that will come in handy for future projects but is not required at this step.
Overview The Ultra96-V2 ships with a blank Delkin 16GB MicroSD Card.
The software required for this tutorial is:
Etcher -- https://etcher.io/
Decompression utility, such as 7-zip https://www.7-zip.org/
PuTTy https://www.putty.org/
Windows 10/11 or Linux Ubuntu
The hardware setup used to test this reference design includes:
Ultra 96-V2
Host machine compatible with Etcher (Windows or Ubuntu)
16 GB microSD card
microSD adapter (to full-size SD or USB) that is compatible with your host machine
96Boards Power Adapter, such as Avnet AES-ACC-U96-4APWR
External monitor
USB keyboard and mouse
NOTE: If an external monitor, keyboard, and mouse are not available, it is still possible to boot the Ultra96-V2 and connect via SSH (will demonstrate at the end)
1. Download the image archive from http://avnet.me/ultra96-v2-oob (Should not require a login)
2. Decompress the archive to extract the .img file. You should have a file named “ultra96v2_oob_2020_1_yymmdd_8GB.img,” where yymmdd is the date code of the image. The extracted image should be around 7,969,177,600 bytes large.
3. Download Etcher for your host at https://etcher.io/ and install it.
4. Connect the microSD adapter with the blank 16 GB microSD card inserted.
5. Launch Etcher
6. Select the source “unzipped Ultra96v2_oob_2020” file that is saved to your host machine.
7. Select the destination, which is the connected microSD adapter with the blank 16GB card.
8. Hit the flash button to flash the card.

9. Once complete, you can remove the newly flashed card from the SSD adapter and insert it into the Ultra96-V2 drive port.

NOTE: If an external Monitor, Keyboard, and Mouse are not available, skip to step 12
10. Connect to an external monitor using the video out port

11. Connect USB keyboard and mouse

12. Set switches to boot from SSD -Switch 1 OFF Switch 2 ON

13. Power On Ultra 96 by hitting this blue power button

14. Once powered on, you should see the Ultra96 boot and display the GUI interface to Petalinx installed (Note: you will only see the GUI interface if you boot with an external monitor; otherwise, you will need to SSH into the hardware using your host computer

15. Using the basic text editor, open the file “wpa_supplicant.conf” and add your router key pass information to enable WiFi

15. Save the file
16. Reboot the Ultra96 to enable Wifi
Connecting to Ultra96-V2 via SSH
NOTE: To enable Wi-Fi without a monitor, you will need to edit the wpa_supplicant manually.conf file on the SSD and reboot. This may require Linux or Dos experience for another blog post.
a. Connect to your local network and check your device table (this will be different for every network, but essentially look for a device connected to your network with the name Ultra92V2) - take note of the IP address
b. Download and install PuTTy
c. Open PuTTy and enter the IP address identified from the network

d. Enter Root as the user

e. Enter Root as the password (you will need to change this after your first login)
f. Enter cat /etc/*-release to show the build that is running

Now you have successfully installed the factory build of Petalinx.