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How to Run petalinux-build with BitBake in PetaLinux 2023.1 and 2023.2 Directly
Run a sequence like this to run petalinux-build with BitBake: cd ~/plxprjs/zcu102_0 source ~/amd/2023.2/PetaLinux/ export...

Excel Operations From Keyboard Shortcuts
This post contains an index of Microsoft Excel operations from keyboard shortcuts. These can be useful when working with a huge table.

How can I connect to my Windows machine from inside my Linux VM?
This post answers, "How can I connect to my Windows machine from inside my Linux VM?" It uses a "reverse SSH tunnel."

How can I open a terminal to a Linux VM from Windows?
This post answers, "How can I open a terminal to a Linux VM from Windows?" It uses SSH and contains descriptions of NAT, etc.

Enable Intel Virtualization in UEFI BIOS N2CET70W (1.53) Running on a Lenovo 20MAS87F00
This post shows how to enable Intel virtualization on a Lenovo 20MAS87F00 Running UEFI BIOS N2CET70W (1.53).

Start and Debug lmgrd and xilinxd
This post shows and explains commands to start a license manager (lmgrd), look up its port, find its peer (xilinxd), etc.

Install VirtualBox 7 on Windows 10
This post answers how to install VirtualBox 7 on Windows 10. It also lists VirtualBox 7 install links, how to check SHA256 and MD5 of the do

2022.2 Vivado, Vitis, & Petalinux Downloads and Info
A comprehensive 2022.2 Vivado, Vitis, & Petalinux post: Downloads, BSPs, VMs, and required Linux packages.

This post explores the meanings of VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word), SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data), and VLIW/SIMD.

What does a9-linaro-pre-build-step do?
This post answers, "What does a9-linaro-pre-build-step do?" and provides additional information that may help debuggers....

XSDK 2015.4 source Trace
This post shows an XSDK 2015.4 source trace. Other script sourcing and environment changes are in bold.

How can I log all commands and their outputs, including errors, to a file?
Log all commands and their outputs, including errors, to a file using exec > >(tee -i output.log) 2>&1. See the post for how this works.

How do I workaround the Web Installer Client Obsolete error?
This post answers, "How do I workaround the "Web Installer Client Obsolete" error?"

Where can I get the 2015.4 Xilinx SDK?
This post answers the question, "Where can I get the 2015.4 Xilinx SDK?" These steps were created and verified on July 8th, 2024.

How can I ssh into a Ubuntu VM from Windows?
This post answers, "How can I SSH into an Ubuntu VM from Windows?" It shows the steps using VMWare Workstation.

What does ListenAddress & ListenAddress :: mean?
The ListenAddress directive in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file specifies the IP addresses on which the SSH daemon (sshd) should listen.

What is NAT mode?
An adapter in NAT (Network Address Translation) mode is a network configuration for virtual machines that allows them to access external net

What is a Bridged Adapter?
A bridged adapter is a network configuration mode used in virtual machines to allow them to be part of the same network as the host machine.

XCVU9P-L2FLGA2104E Decode and Its Features
This post lists a XCVU9P-L2FLGA2104E decode and its features.

"About Vitis IDE" - a Wealth of Information
After clicking About Vitis IDE, this post shows examples of all the information available in each sub-menu. The info at Installation Details

Make Alt + Space work!
This post shows how to "make Alt + Space work!" For this post, "work" means "display the window menu" after a PowerToys install.

What does BIF stand for? What does PDI stand for? Describe the "Create Versal Boot Image Screen" v2023.1
This post answers what BIF stands for (Boot Image Format) and what PDI stands for (Programmable Device Image). It also lists links to...

PMC vs. PSM?
This post discusses the AMD Versal PMC vs. PSM. At a high level, the PMC (Platform Management Controller) controls boot, and the PSM...

Cached and OCR'd Links to Every Xcell Journal Article
This page lists links to a cached version of every Xcell Journal article. In addition, OCR is used in every article.
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