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Create a Versal PLM project and build it with XSCT

Updated: May 3, 2024

This post describes creating and building a Versal PLM project from the command line with XSCT. If you'd like to do it graphically with Vitis, refer to this post instead. After creating the PLM, follow the instructions in this next post to create a bootable image from it and launch it on hardware.


First, launch xsct and create a workspace for the new project

$ mkdir /home/user/plmws
$ source /tools/Xilinx/Vitis/2023.2/
$ xsct% cd /home/user/plmws
% setws .

Next, create the PLM application project with your xsa

% app create -name plm -hw /path/to/xsa_file.xsa -template "versal PLM" -os standalone -proc psv_pmc_0

This will create 3 folders:

  • plm (contains the PLM application project, named plm because that’s what was specified as the “-name” arg above)

  • plm_system (contains the system project)

  • another folder containing the platform project (name varies based on the xsa)

Finally, build the PLM

% app build -name plm

The file "plm/debug/plm.elf" now exists.


You can edit the PLM source code and rebuild it. For example:

vim <platform_project_folder>/psv_pmc_0/standalone_domain/bsp/psv_pmc_0/libsrc/xilplmi_v1_9/src/xplmi.c

In XPlmi_PrintPlmBanner(): on line 235, add a new print:

XPlmi_Printf(DEBUG_PRINT_ALWAYS, "This is my custom PLM\n\r");

Rebuild the PLM by running "app build -name plm" in xsct.

strings plm/debug/plm.elf | grep This
=> "This is my custom PLM" is found in the executable



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