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Build a Faster Python

This post lists the commands to build Python 2.7.12 on Ubuntu with Profile Guided Optimization and install the result into a local directory.


#Open a terminal

mkdir -p ~/fastpython2/src mkdir -p ~/fastpython2/install cd ~/fastpython2/src wget tar -zxvf Python-2.7.12.tgz cd Python-2.7.12 ./configure --prefix=${HOME}/fastpython2/install/ make profile-opt make install export PATH="${HOME}/fastpython2/install/bin:${PATH}" which python

Validated On

Validated on a Virtual Machine called fresh-ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64-4GB-RAM-100GB-Disk with 4GB RAM and a 100 GB VMDK, dynamically allocated disk, running a fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04.3, with no updates but with host-extensions installed, on VirtualBox Version 5.2.12 r122591 (Qt5.6.2) on Windows 7 SP1.


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