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Fix E216: No such group or event: filetypedetect BufReadPost msg in <SNR>14_XxdBack
This post shows two ways to stop an error that pops up in gVim > Tools > Convert Back: Error detected while processing functions...
Fix tiny gvim8.2 font on Windows 10
This short post was written to list a fix for "tiny text" when running gvim 8.2 on Windows 10. With this "fix" gvim goes from:
Install a Vim Package on Vim 8 Running on Windows 7
This post gives step-by-step instructions for installing a Vim package on Vim 8 (specifically 8.1.606) running on Windows 7 (SP1). Info...
Format JavaScript in Vim on Windows per Google's Style Guide
1. Download Python 3.7.1 at [link].
Install it using defaults for all options.
2. Download gvim_8.1.0606_x64-mui2.exe at [link].
Comment-out printks with Vim
:%s/\(printk(.*);\)/\/* \1 *\//gc
Quickly Enable cscope in Vim
sudo apt-get install scope; .vim/plugin/cscope_maps.vim; cscope -R; Control+\+s
Vim is Stuck!
Try Control + q
Practice Splitting a Window Horizontally and Vertically, Moving Between the Windows and Closing Them
Control-w l
Control-w j
Control-w k
Practice Recovering a File in Vim
:e! #
:diffsp hello.c
To spellcheck in Vim
Purpose Summarizes what I always refer to in To spellcheck in Vim type: :setlocal spell...
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