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A Node.js URL Scraper on Windows 10

Updated: Jun 30, 2024

This post shows how to build a Node.js URL scraper on Windows 10.

2. Open a terminal in C:\:

a. Click on C:

b. Right-click

c. Click Open in Terminal

Node can't handle paths with spaces, so working at the top of the C drive helps.

Open a Terminal in the C drive

3. Paste:

mkdir link-extractor
cd link-extractor
npm init -y  # Initializes a new Node.js project
npm install axios # Installs axios for HTTP requests
npm install cheerio  # Installs cheerio for HTML parsing
npm install robots-parser # Install robots-parser to parse robots.txt

4. Paste:

notepad extractLinks.js

5. Paste:

const axios = require('axios');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const robotsParser = require('robots-parser');

async function fetchRobotsTxt(url) {
    const robotsUrl = new URL('/robots.txt', url).href;
    try {
        const response = await axios.get(robotsUrl);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error fetching robots.txt:', error);
        return null;

async function isCrawlAllowed(url, userAgent) {
    const robotsTxt = await fetchRobotsTxt(url);
    if (!robotsTxt) return true; // No robots.txt found, assume allowed
    const robots = robotsParser(new URL('/robots.txt', url).href, robotsTxt);
    return robots.isAllowed(url, userAgent);

async function fetchLinks(url, userAgent = 'Node.js-bot') {
    if (!await isCrawlAllowed(url, userAgent)) {
        console.log('Crawling not allowed by robots.txt');
        return [];
    try {
        const response = await axios.get(url);
        const html =;
        const $ = cheerio.load(html);
        const links = [];
        $('a').each((i, link) => {
            const href = $(link).attr('href');
            const text = $(link).text().trim();
            if (href) {
                links.push({ href, text });
        return links;
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error fetching or parsing the page:', error);
        return [];

const url = ""; 
fetchLinks(url).then(links => {
    console.log('Links found:', links);

6. Paste:

node .\extractLinks.js

7. You should see:

PS C:\link-extractor> node .\extractLinks.js
Links found: [
  { href: '', text: 'Home' },
    href: '',
    text: 'Services'
    href: '',
    text: 'About'
    href: '',
    text: 'Blog'

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